Ahir is the namesake of the Ahir caste, an ethnic group migrated into India from Central Asia d...
"This book is an invitation for all those who wish to know the threatened and persistent world o...
"Being a student of textiles, I love the hand-loom. It is more about celebrating the entire pro...
Through her products, the founder and designer of Injiri, Chinar Farooqui, expresses her appreci...
Japanese artist Hajime Okamoto focuses on calligraphy, painting and zen concepts. His famous Kab...
The Sinkhole Vessels were crafted by the Mateo Family: Dorotea, Alberta, Macrina, Angelina, Elia...
Currently on view at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the Sinkhole project is the resu...
A dream destination for many of us, Oaxaca does not only boast a magnificent landscape, but also...